Collection: Weaning Advice

Weaning Recipes 6-12 Months
Here at Mummy Cooks we have put together a go to guide of recipes and advice for your weaning 6-12 month old baby. From six months it is important to move on with texture and offer finger food to your baby. Your baby is more accepting of new foods at this time and offering variety at this stage will ensure your baby will go through the weaning stages with ease!
- Moving on: 6-9 Months
- Recipes with texture

Introducing Finger Foods
Finger food should be introduced as early as six months to get baby used to feeding themselves (baby-led-weaning). Although they may not fully master the pincer grab - holding foods between the forefinger and thumb until 7 months. It is good to familiarise them with the idea of finger foods early on so they go onto feed themselves.
- How do I know if my baby is ready for finger foods?
- How and when to Introduce Finger Foods

Adding Herbs and Spices to Baby Food
Adding herbs and spices to homemade baby food is a wonderful way of developing your baby’s taste buds. They're perfectly safe so don’t shy away from incorporating yummy flavours they are sure to love! And most importantly, introducing variety from an earlier stage is key to raising a more adventurous and healthy eater.
- Tips for adding herbs and spices
- What Herbs and Spices can I add to Baby's Food?
- Making your own Spice Mix

Healthy Snacks for your Baby
At 9 months your baby will start to become hungrier between meals. Your little one will now be ready for 1 to 2 healthy snacks each day. The good news is that preparing snacks for your weaning baby doesn’t have to be time consuming – in just a few minutes you can whip up a healthy treat your baby will love!
- The best healthy snack ideas for your baby from 9 months onward.

What to feed a sick baby
One of the most frequent questions I get asked is what do I feed my baby when they are unwell. Here I have put together some tips and recipes for when your baby is feeling unwell with a sore throat, a cold, flu, diarrhoea or constipation and simply won't eat.
- Tips on feeding a sick baby
- How to get back on track as soon as baby is feeling better
- Recipes for a sick baby
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Weaning Pots
Feeding your baby and weaning made easy with our baby food containers...
Recipe Books
Expert advice and tried and tested delicious recipes for your whole family...
Food Flasks
Send in a nutritious lunch for your school going child or let...
Everything else you need to support your family's feeding journey.