Weaning your baby onto solid food can be a daunting experience, especially if your baby shows no interest in purees. Many parents feel nervous about how to start, how much to feed, and how to progress through the various stages. Here are some tips to help you navigate this exciting milestone with confidence and ease.
Weaning Can Take Time So Try Not to Stress
Starting solid foods with your baby is a big milestone, and it's natural to feel nervous about it. Weaning is a gradual process, and every baby's weaning journey is different. Give your baby plenty of time to get the hang of eating solids.

Make Sure Your Baby is Hungry for the Food
Timing is key when introducing solids. It's also helpful to establish a feeding routine that aligns with when your baby is getting hungry. Try to observe when your baby shows signs of hunger, such as increased alertness, opening their mouth, or showing interest in food.
Start offering food when your baby is most content. This can be an hour after their morning milk feed or mid day around 12pm. Leaving at least an hour between milk and solids can help you find that “sweet spot” where your baby is ready to explore new tastes.
Look at the Environment
The right environment can make a big difference in your baby’s weaning journey. To start feeding can either be done in a high chair or on your lap, whichever makes your baby more comfortable. A comfortable baby is more likely to focus on eating and less likely to become fussy or distracted. Whichever you choose, it is important to keep your baby upright when feeding so they can swallow the food properly.
When in a highchair, ensure that it is secure and has a comfortable seat for your baby. When they are small, you may need to put towels around them to keep them stable and prevent them from falling around in the chair. When feeding in your lap, sit in a comfortable chair, hold your baby securely but gently, and ensure they can move their hands freely.
Check the Spoon
The type of spoon you use can greatly affect your baby's acceptance of solid foods. It's important that the spoon is soft, narrow so it fits comfortably in your baby's mouth, and not too deep, allowing them to easily get the food out of the spoon themselves. Make sure the spoon has some weight so your baby can feel it and begin to understand its use.
Start with spoons with long handles, so it is easier for you to feed your baby. From 6 months, use shorter spoons so your baby can hold them themselves and begin to self-feed. This will help them develop utensil skills from an early age. Our Mummy Cooks silicone training spoon teether can be used as a pre-loading spoon or to prepare your baby for chewing.
Sometimes, starting with your finger can be a good idea if your baby is not taking to the spoons until they are more used to having food in their mouth. Following your child's lead when it comes to spoons is important—they will show you what they like
Weaning is an exciting time for both you and your baby. By being prepared and staying relaxed, you can make this transition smooth and enjoyable.
Our Weaning Advice page provides information and advice on weaning your baby. It includes recipes, tips, and articles on a variety of topics related to weaning, such as introducing finger food, adding herbs and spices to baby food, and healthy snacks for your baby, and lots more.