Letting your kids choose their own ingredients for summer salads is a fantastic way to get them excited about eating healthy. When they can pick from a variety of fresh veggies, fruits, proteins, and dressings, they feel empowered and more likely to enjoy their meal.
It’s a great opportunity for them to explore new flavors and textures, making salads fun and interesting. Plus, getting them involved in the kitchen is a fun, hands-on way to teach them about different foods and healthy eating.
You can include raw ingredients if your child can manage, otherwise it's also possible to include a warm vegetable salad. By giving your child options they are much more likely to choose a variety of foods. Praise them saying ‘don’t you love salads’
Choose at least one from each category:
- Lettuce
- Spring Onion
- Red Onion
- Cucumber
- Carrot
- Celery
- Tomato
- Radish

- Potato
- Peas
- Beetroot
Fish & Shellfish
- Salmon
- Tuna
- Prawn
- Feta
- Parmesan
- Cheddar
- Blue Cheese
- Chicken
- Ham
- Turkey
- Beef
Nuts and Seeds
- Walnuts
- Pine Nuts
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Apple
- Grape
- Pear
- Orange
- Strawberry
- Raspberry
- Blueberry
- Banana
- Raisin
- Olive

- Pasta
- Rice
- Couscous
- Sweetcorn
- Mayonnaise
- Vinaigrette
- Yoghurt
- Citrus juice
At Mummy Cooks, we have a wealth of advice on feeding your family. We cover everything from meal prep and slow cooker recipes to moving baby on to family foods and preparing food safely. So whether you're looking for quick and easy meal ideas or want to learn more about healthy eating, we've got you covered Feeding the Family Advice page